Minecraft Commands
/twitch <your Twitch username> » Links your Twitch account to your Minecraft account to allow you to receive ingame items for during streams from the server.
- /rtp » Teleports you to a random location on the server. Handy for finding a new spot to build.
- /tpa <IGN> » Sends a request to the player to teleport to them.
- /tpahere <IGN> » Sends a request to the player to teleport them to you.
- /tpayes » Accepts a teleport request. If you have multiple requests, the plugin will show you a list of pending requests by players which you can accept by clicking on the names in the list.
- /tpano » Declines a teleport request. If you have multiple requests, the plugin will show you a list of pending requests by players which you can decline by clicking on the names in the list.
- /tpcancel » Cancels a pending teleport request you’ve sent to a player.
- /tpblock <IGN> » Blocks a player and prevents them from sending a teleport request to you.
- /tpunblock <IGN> » Unblocks a player and allows them to send a teleport request to you.
- /tpoff » Disables teleport requests for you. Players cannot send a teleport request to you.
- /tpon » Enables teleport requests for you. Players can send a teleport request to you.
- /back » Teleports you to your last location. Useful if you die somewhere and need to back to your place of death and do it all over again.
- /warp <warp name> » Teleports you to an existing warp point.
- /warps » Gives you a list of warps.
Current warp points are: Spawn, and Subs can also access Calamityville and Creative (For creative flatworld)
Each user gets 3 homes that can be set.
Each Twitch Subscriber gets 5 home points!
- /sethome <home name> » Sets a home point at your location.
- /delhome <home name> » Removes a home point you have.
- /home <home name/bed> » Teleports you to your home point./Teleports you to your bed location.
- /homes » Gives you a list of home points you’ve set.
- /setmainhome <home name> » Sets your main home. This is used when only doing /home with no home name.
- /movehome <home name> » Moves a user’s home to a new location.
- /reportplayer [playerName] [reason] » Report a specific player.
- /report [message] » Report something but don’t link a specific player to it.